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The Goddess Rooms
Course Platform

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These are powerful and metamorphic times we are living in, and our courses reflect what we deeply believe is most needed at these times. 

The Priestess CodesTM  modality connects you to your unique blueprint with activations, raising your frequency into the Goddess energy, clearing genetic lineage, trauma and embodying the Goddess through the alchemy of love, power and Ancient feminine womb wisdom.


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An incredible learning experience


Be part of our Tribe. Unifying and connecting aligned Souls across the Earth. Evolving, Growing and up-levelling together!


Qualify in the modalities we offer to grow your expertise, wisdom and skills in energy work. Learn from Tina Pavlou - Master Theta Teacher - Certificate of science, soon to become Philosopher of Science - highest level on the Planet!

Online Courses

Offering a range of accessible, world class courses to expand your knowledge and personal toolkit!

It has been my greatest honour and joy over the past decade to watch my clients lives transform in all areas: health, finances, business, family, and intimate relationships, through our empowering work together which includes one on one mentoring, guidance on soul purpose and career, embodiment and sacred sexuality teachings and the life changing ThetaHealing trainings and Priestess trainings offered each year.

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